Awaken your body and mind, become aware of you own movement qualities and mannerisms, and prepare your poetic body for the stories that must be told
Larval Mask
Encourage your imagination and body to move odd, animalistic way. Find your cartoonish side and have fun with it.
Expressive Mask
Transform your body and mind to synchronize with hilarious whole masks. Create physical characters and learn how to express abstract things and tell stories without words.
Half Masks
Key Words
Learn essential, quick and powerful expression of the body, voice and bestial logic.
Discover contemporary Commedia Dell'Arte types and play with political issues of today
Body Masks
Key Words
The pure joy of exaggeration of the movement, playfulness and breaking the taboos together with fellow creatures from the dark side
The Red Nose
Key Words
Incredible clown voyage!
Searching for your own ridiculous state of mind and learning how to play with it together with the audience